The dreaded flash again, so that you can (just about) read this. Maybe I'm turning into my Dad, but I'm not sure I agree with half-price fares for those on income support. Like giving kids free travel, which happened
two years ago, it sounds like a good idea, but there were at least two downsides to that particular initiative:
(a) kids get the bus instead of walking, meaning they get fatter, e.g. the kids from the school behind where I live now get the bus two stops to the main road at lunchtime, pick up fried chicken and chips, and then get the bus back. If it cost them 90p each way they wouldn't. Surely this goes against all government health policies? Get the kids walking!
(b) kids now hang out on buses more than they ever did, contributing to a
55% increase in youth bus crime in the first year since free travel was introduced.
But the thing which baffles me most about the half-price bus fares for job-dodgers initiative is that it is funded by an
oil deal with Venezuela - you can see their flag at the bottom of the picture. Socialist solidarity or propping up a virtual dictator? Hmm.