Hello there - it's been a while, hasn't it? Keeping well? And the missus? Junior must be coming up to...what, four now? Time flies...
Greetings from my new home in Wollstonecraft, NSW, part of Sydney's quite swanky Lower North Shore. I'm not actually doing any commuting at the moment, but fingers crossed I will be soon.
I've not been entirely idle since I've been over here, oh no. I have been immersing myself in the beer culture and calling it research. Witness my new blog, The Six O'Clock Swill. Bookmark and check often.
музыкальны йблог http://radiovsem.blogspot.com/
[jhjibq список радио сайтов http://radioonlein.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_23.html
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